We have often heard it being said that when you give, the giver gets far more joy than the receiver. The joy of giving multiplies many fold when the 'giving' is spontaneous, and done without any expectation. Eight members of Udhavi's core group found the above to be so true when they visited 'Vishranthi', an old age home run for the destitute, on 7th of October, 2015, to donate rice, dhal and biscuits during this 'Joy of Giving' week.
The place was started by the vision and compassion of one lady, Savithri Vaithi with like minded people in the year 1977, when she was moved by the plight of a destitute. What started as a small beginning, now has over 180 inmates, both men and women. They are provided shelter, food and medical facility totally free of cost. The place runs purely on the generous donations from well wishers. Talking to one of the service providers, we were filled with admiration when she said that the working of the place is fully transparent and the management is always open to suggestions to make the place better for its inmates. As far as possible, efforts are made to meet even individual request. The place is spic and span and surrounded by greenery. The inmates look comfortable and well cared for. Activities like bhajan, and other forms of entertainment are regularly arranged. Apparently, they constantly have visitors -individuals or groups - willing to donate in cash and/or in kind.
It was despairing to hear that many of the inmates have family but very few even visit them. One sad story was that of a nearly 100 years old servant maid who during her working years gave away all her earnings to bring up her eight children. Now, only one of them visits her occasionally! Having said that, it is also heartwarming to see that in the twilight years of their lives, the inmates have found camaraderie and a peaceful atmosphere at 'Vishranthi'. At the end of the day 'family' are those with whom love and affection are shared.